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David Wilk

Co- Founder

David Wilk is a proud to be a Founding Member of the Four Day Weekend Comedy Theater. Dave is a graduate of the Second City Conservatory in Chicago.

In addition to having performed more than 6,500 live shows, Dave also travels nationally and internationally emceeing and keynote speaking for corporate clients.  His client list reads like a “who’s who” of the fortune 500.

You may (or may not recognize Dave from one of his dozens of national commercials including, Cardia Mobil, Dish Network, Rent-A-Center, Papa Johns, Charles Schwab, Business Week Nissan and Rold Gold Pretzels.  If you’ve stared at it, eaten it or driven it, Dave has hawked it to you on TV.  He’s been in many films you’ve never seen and he’s relieved about that.

Dave and Four Day Weekend delivered a Keynote Presenter at the United States Congress Democratic Caucus Issues Conference in Cambridge, MD. They received a standing ovation and met President Barack Obama.  Always eager to be equal and fair, the next year he and Four Day shared the stage with former President George W. Bush 

Dave and Four Day Weekend were given a great honor when Mayor Mike Moncrief presented them the Key to the City of Fort Worth for being “Fort Worth’s Greatest Ambassadors”.

Dave and Four Day Weekend were thrilled to be named Small Business of the Year by the Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce.  

Dave is an Entrepreneur in Residence at TCU’s Neely School of Business.

David and the 4day crew headlined an Armed Forces Entertainment comedy tour.  They performed for thousands of troops in Kosovo, Germany, England, Belgium and The Netherlands.

David is the Co-Author of Happy Accidents: The Transformative Power of Yes, And At Work and in Life.  The Book is a National Best Seller.

Dave and 4day were awarded a Lifetime Achievement award in Entrepreneurship from the National Association of Community Colleges.


David Ahearn


Troy Grant